Course Type


All Scheduled Dates

None scheduled at this time.

Course Length

2 hours



Learners who complete this 2-hour course will receive a certificate of completion from the Academy.

Seeding Change: Interconnected Healing for Complex Trauma


We will explore the impacts of intergenerational, complex, and mass trauma. We will also learn about healing tools from our own lineages, and build strategies to connect to ongoing learning and practice. Together we will create a safe space to practice tools to identify and process our own strong emotions, including grounding, cleansing breath, progressive muscle relaxation, and discharging energy. With ongoing practice in a supportive environment, these tools allow inner exploration towards healing from trauma, by cultivating growth and healing.


Participants will be introduced to post-traumatic growth as a core framework for trauma healing work, and be guided towards reflection on their own healing lineages. Through exploring indigenous healing methods, participants will be able to identify healing tools from one’s own culture. We will be creating plans for ongoing care and learning.


This course is open to staff of any non-profit community organization or government agency that delivers social services in NYC. It is especially helpful for those who are looking for a deeper understanding of the impacts of trauma in communities and tools for applying it to your own lives and communities that you work with.

This introduction course is recommended for those who are interested in applying for Deep Roots: Tools for Healing Complex Trauma, a 4-session course for deeper practice of the tools.