
Yolanda Lawrence, PhD
Yolanda Lawrence is a veteran school counselor of New York City Public Schools and former Navy Clinical Psychologist who served in San Diego and Beaufort, South Carolina while on active duty. Her clinical work has included work with children, adults, parents, college students, active-duty military, and veterans, in both inpatient and outpatient settings. Dr. Lawrence has taught psychology to undergraduates at both two- and four-year colleges. Dr. Lawrence serves on the Board of Trustees of a small New England independent school and provides private consulting, coaching, workshops and professional development to schools, school systems, individuals, and businesses. Dr. Lawrence maintains a lifelong passion for teaching, research, and evaluation with a keen interest in topics that amplify the voices of those not typically invited to participate in the scientific process. Dr. Lawrence holds degrees from Mount Holyoke College, Chaminade University of Honolulu, and Fordham University.